
"I’m not an artist; I’m a maker. In my teens I began working with metals, with copper and silver and I’ve never looked back."

Rebecca has over 20 years experience in jewellery design, artisanal goldsmithing and teaching. Since graduating in the 1990’s she has lent her expertise to many UK-based high profile jewellers, while also enjoying the rewarding process of teaching technique and design to jewellery newcomers.  Driven by a specific vision however, in 2014 Rebecca took the plunge and began her own label.

"In the fifteen years that I spent working for other jewellery labels, I became interested in the provenance of metals and stones, which began to sit less comfortably with me the more I found out. I wanted to see if I could make a difference, however small, and because I’m not a policy-maker, or a mine-auditor, it made sense that I continue to do what I do best – to make."

Rebecca has a strong sense of ethics that have shaped her brand of responsible jewellery.   Inspired by the people , cultures and landscapes of the regions that produce the raw materials she works with, she harnesses her craft to raise awareness of the issues they face.

“Rather than boycott these materials it’s important that we create, use and promote ethical alternatives. I make my jewellery using responsibly sourced materials because there are hundreds of thousands of small producers whose families and livelihoods depends on mining precious metals and stones. I want them to get the fairest possible deal that they can.”

Rebecca works from her studio and also runs her jewellery school from The Ferrers Centre for Arts and Crafts, which hosts a thriving community of creative industries.